Remote patient monitoring: usher in a new era of healthcare with bServer

 Continuous development and improvements in the U.S. healthcare system are important not only for healthcare providers, but also for patients. The task of clinics is to provide quality services, prescribe effective treatment and minimize health problems.

Diagnosis is rightly considered one of the conditions for effective treatment. And it is critical to detect health problems in time and respond to them correctly. In modern medicine, a system of remote patient monitoring has become available, which can largely solve the problem of timely diagnosis.

Every clinic in the USA can take advantage of our bServed's offer to implement a RPM system. Want to know more? Then go to and get detailed information about the work of this monitoring system, as well as study the terms of cooperation.

How does it work?

Imagine that a person feels bad or has a health problem that does not manifest itself until a certain time. Gradually, the problem develops, the condition worsens, and only then does the person decide to seek help at the clinic. This leads to expensive, long and complicated treatment.

But such problems can be prevented. For this purpose, remote patient monitoring systems are used. Doctors connect a person to a special monitoring program, which allows real-time monitoring of important vital signs:

  • Blood pressure;

  • body temperature;

  • heartbeat;

  • blood glucose levels, etc.

These monitoring systems are a great help for patients who are sent to home care or who need to constantly monitor certain health indicators. With remote access to this information, doctors can intervene quickly, prescribe treatment, adjust the current course of recovery, and so on.

How do doctors get the necessary information? The peculiarity of the remote monitoring system is that the patient himself transmits the necessary data. For this purpose, wearable devices are used, special mobile applications are installed and access to communication means for safe and confidential transfer of health information is opened. bServed helps to implement these solutions and contributes to the active development of the quality of medical services.

The use of innovative RPM technologies helps to reduce the risks of re-hospitalization, increase patients' interest in controlling their own health, and improve the efficiency of medical care. With timely intervention and proactive management, outcomes will improve and patient satisfaction will continuously grow.
